Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Introduction of tourism management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Introduction of tourism management - Essay Example Based on the issues recognised thereof, recommendations have been provided in the paper so that the industry can adjust with the changes and increase their revenue. In recent years, tourism was witnessed to experience tremendous growth. The growth is so large that the industry is expected to assume position of the fastest growing as well as largest industry worldwide by all measures. Tourism sector experienced strong domestic as well as international growth primarily because it delivers a myriad of several advantages to travellers, tourists and their hosts (Bosselman, Peterson and McCarthy, 1999). Another reason that was determined to be strongly responsible for growth of tourism across the globe is its inherent quality of transecting numerous sectors, interests and business levels within one activity in a comprehensive manner. The economic sectors that enjoy benefits of tourism are hotel industry, transport department, tourist board and operators and government organisations (Cater, 1995). Tourism has gained increasing attention from private and public bodies chiefly because of its contribution as a source of attracting foreign exchange, emplo yment generation, increasing tax revenue and profit generation (Mathieson and Wall, 1982). Despite the economic benefits, tourism is not free from criticisms. Tourism has been blamed by several organisations for environment pollution, excessive resource consumption and adverse impact on a nation’s cultural and social environment (Bosselman, Peterson and McCarthy, 1999). The paper, however, is more focussed on impact of macro and micro environmental factors on growth of tourism. The growth pace of tourism is slowing down because of a number of issues. The face of tourism is also changing as numerous relevant trends are evolving consistently (Cooper, et al., 2008). As tourism has been referred as a commercialised form of hospitality by Cohen (1984), hotel industry is an important dimension of the

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